SC Integrated Systems for Emergency Situations – SISU SRL out activities listed in ascertaining certificate as follows:
- Private services and fire rescue incendiiilor class IV according OMAI 158/2007;
- Equipment and staff participation in natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, forest fires, road and rail accidents, etc.);
- Securing devices (power sectors) with special vehicles for fire fighting, served by highly qualified personnel and documents on line psi (evacuation plans, risk scenarios, etc.);
- Providing specialized teams depending on the types of risks identified in competence field;
- Verification activities, maintenance and repair of special vehicles for fire protection;
- Technical maintenance activities extrication equipment and fire extinguishing systems;
- Survey activities equipment and facilities for fire-fighting and first intervention if necessary by public endowment beneficiary objectives;
- Activities of business and management consultancy;
- Fire trucks sales activities, including airport and other destinations.
On estime quel’impuissance masculine toucherait un homme sur cinq. Lepourcentage de personnes atteintes augmente beaucoup avec l’âge. Ilserait de plus de 70% après 60-70 ans. Il est donc important depouvoir trouver des alternatives à ce problème.